Just another dumb blonde serving coffee
So, I have been perusing MySpace. This site can literally suck up hours of your time if you let it. Because, unlike Blogger.com, it's members are searchable by fairly specific information, such as what high school you went to, first and/or last names...etc. So, anyway I checked out the alumni from my high school, then out of slight curiosity and immense boredom, I looked at the alumni from the high schools my junior high classmates graduated from. I hated junior high school. I was poor compared to my label conscious peers. Bi-racial in a sea of white kids. And horribly shy. I wasn't shunned like some kids, but quite a few kids were shitty to me on a regular basis. It made me even more shy and a pretty self conscious teenager, but fifteen (or so) years later, I couldn't give a rats ass about these kids....but as I said, curiosity got the best of me. I stumbled upon one of the worst culprits of my adolescence memories. She is still, just as she was even then, a blond bombshell, but dumb as dirt. Making her living as a coffee slinger these days...and she seems to be just as shallow as she was all of those years ago and still semi-illiterate. For my pleasure, I have cut and pasted one of her random blogs, complete with original typos, so as to illustrate that beauty is only skin deep in this case:
"ok i have been verry patient and calm as i can , but last weekend was it! i had the big fat wagon pull in to order extreamly sweet and fatty mocha breves, they where about 300 lbs each "thiese terrable people" and they stood there ordering verry sweet mochas in the breve form [ to those of you whom dont know what a breve is its a normal espresso drink only made with half and half insted if whole or skinnymilk, ] "this is verry grose" and its about a week worth of callories in one magicall cup. anyways its the worst thing that i think is making america ugly.......fat...fat....fat.........., i guess you could say i havent the patience for such people ......but wait there is a punch line , after ordering 3 a piece per persion and running bills as high as $25.00 a tab . no fucking tip no change no bills? "YOU FAT ASSES SUCK AND YOU WILL DIE VERRY YOUNG AND I WILL STAY SUPERIOR BECAUSE IM MAKING YOU FATTER AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HUSBANDS BECAUSE THEY ARE SICK OF WAKING UP NEXT TO YOUR FAT ASSES AND I WILL STAY SMALL BUT TALL SKINNY AND SMART AND YOU WILL ONE DAY WISH YOU HAD DIED @ BIRTH "
"ok i have been verry patient and calm as i can , but last weekend was it! i had the big fat wagon pull in to order extreamly sweet and fatty mocha breves, they where about 300 lbs each "thiese terrable people" and they stood there ordering verry sweet mochas in the breve form [ to those of you whom dont know what a breve is its a normal espresso drink only made with half and half insted if whole or skinnymilk, ] "this is verry grose" and its about a week worth of callories in one magicall cup. anyways its the worst thing that i think is making america ugly.......fat...fat....fat.........., i guess you could say i havent the patience for such people ......but wait there is a punch line , after ordering 3 a piece per persion and running bills as high as $25.00 a tab . no fucking tip no change no bills? "YOU FAT ASSES SUCK AND YOU WILL DIE VERRY YOUNG AND I WILL STAY SUPERIOR BECAUSE IM MAKING YOU FATTER AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HUSBANDS BECAUSE THEY ARE SICK OF WAKING UP NEXT TO YOUR FAT ASSES AND I WILL STAY SMALL BUT TALL SKINNY AND SMART AND YOU WILL ONE DAY WISH YOU HAD DIED @ BIRTH "
Of course, she did spell heroin correctly when she referred to herself in her profile as "slim to heroin shiek", although I'm pretty sure shiek is spelled...chic, but whatever at least she got the important word right.
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